How to configure the Kaspersky Antivirus not to stop the KidLogger for Windows


Kaspersky Antivirus protects your computer from various threats such as viruses, spyware, ransomware, banners, and others. But program developers are not supposed to know all existing parental control programs and add them to the exclusion list. Therefore, the parents themselves need to add the KidLogger program to the list of exceptions.

In this article, we will describe in detail the entire process of adding KidLogger to the exception list of the Kaspersky Small Office Security 8.

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Why disappeared KidLogger PRO for Windows


You may have noticed that KidLogger PRO for Windows has disappeared from the downloads. This happened for a reason. Increasingly, Windows Defender started stopping KidLogger PRO and recognizing it as a Trojan horse. The reason is that the KidLogger PRO program works from a place unusual for other programs and collects data about the user's activity. Moreover, the installation of the program is carried out in a semi-automatic mode, which allows you to quickly and almost imperceptibly for the target user to deploy the surveillance system.

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KidLogger for Windows and macOS can block web domains


KidLogger for Windows and macOS can block visiting web domains such as YouTube or Pornhub. You can log in and on the Settings page you can see a new option:

Block websites by domain

You can write here several web addresses without spaces, using a comma as a separator.

For example:


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Meet KidLogger PRO for Android 10


We published a new version of KidLogger PRO for Android. With the version 1.6.162 you can  record calls in Samsung phones on Android 10. Older versions of Android are also supported.

Due to the use of new technologies, this version can successfully take screenshots in Android 10 and record calls in instant messengers such as Skype, Viber, and Whatsapp.

Download the KidLogger PRO for Android!

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KidLogger and its advantages during the lockdown


Now that lockdowns have been instituted and schools closed, our children have shifted to remote learning. Now it is outright allowed for them to sit at the computer for five or six hours day until their eyes turn red from weariness. Our family decided to set aside a separate room for this learning so that our children would not get distracted. Now we only check in with the kids occasionally to bring them a snack or ask them to take a break or come to lunch.

But how much of that time are they really spending on learning, and how much is needless distraction and entertainment?

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Notifications in KidLogger PRO for Android


Since version 1.6.152 KidLogger PRO records notifications, that appear in upper part of the screen. Now if the user even doesn't read the new messages, you will know about them.


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Call recording on Android phones. The troubleshooting.


Why does KidLogger PRO may sometimes not record calls?

This happens in Android 10 or when an another call recording program with a higher priority is installed.

Starting with Android 10, Google has closed the ability for third-party applications to record phone calls. This is due to the fact that the legislation of most countries obliges to warn the interlocutor that the conversation will be recorded. Programs can record ambient sounds, but when the call starts, access to the microphone is disabled.

The solution to the problem is theoretically possible on rooted phones with a custom dialer.

On Android 9 and earlier

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New Parental Time control for Android


The application of Parental Time Control has been significantly improved in version 1.5.107.  Now, instead of adding to the list of educational applications all the programs that the phone needs to work, you just need to specify the gaming programs. They will be limited in time, and all other will work without restrictions.

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Quão bom é o Controle dos Pais do Google


Não faz muito tempo, o Google lançou um sistema de controle dos pais chamado Google Family Link. De acordo com os desenvolvedores, ele funciona no Android 7 e versões mais novas.

O programa está tão profundamente integrado no sistema Android que não pode ser removido nem mesmo após a reconfiguração do telefone. O sistema exige contas do Google separadas para os telefones dos pais e das crianças. O aplicativo Google Family Link deve ser instalado tanto no telefone dos pais quanto no da criança. A configuração do controle é feita online por meio da sincronização com a conta do Google da criança. Quando uma conta do Google é criada para uma pessoa com menos de 12 anos, o serviço Google Family Link é ativado automaticamente.

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8 tips on how to avoid problems with Youtube.


There are only a few popular video hostings in the world where you can find any information. The most famous and most visited at the moment is Youtube from Google.

The registration and posting videos on it is absolutely free and unlimited. However, there are rules on it that cannot be violated. For example, you can’t post materials offending other people's feelings or unacceptable to children. In addition, you cannot post copyrighted audio and video. For this reason, you will not find videos on Youtube, that contain other Youtube videos posted by other users before. In addition, there will be no materials for adults and famous movies in good quality.

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Here you can find tutorials, articles and announcements about KidLogger SAS: what new features we’ve implemented, how to install Kidlogger, and how to set up user monitoring for different platforms like Windows, Mac, Android.

We’re happy to hear any suggestions you might have about improving KidLogger.

Compare Parental Controls in Windows 7, Mac and

“Never leave kids and employees unsupervised.”

