KidLogger v 1.2 PRO for Mac debuts!


As we have promised you earlier KidLogger v 1.2 PRO for Mac is released. We are glad to announce new features available in this advanced version of Kidlogger for Mac.

1.  Make photos of the persons who use Mac: It works when you unlock your Mac, when you authorize or change user. You can make a pause in your work and after resuming it will make photo, just open the lid of your MacBook.  

2.  Track location of your MacBook: Imagine what a great possibility in case you have lost your MacBook or it was unscrupulously stolen. The targeted person with Mac will be always within your eyeshot.

3.  Log Firefox URL's: You are tired of Safari and choose Firefox, Kidlogger tracks URL’s from this browser too.

4.   All instant messages from Skype (newest version) logged by application.

5.   Application come-at-able in German, French and Russian languages.  

6.   A few other improvements.


Besides these two new features remain the previous ones. They help us to monitor user activity in a sneak way.

  • Log typed keystrokes   
  • Log the names of opened Applications
  • Log web sites URLs, opened in Safari and Chrome (Firefox, Opera in future)   
  • Log clipboard text when user copy\paste text.   
  • Log Mac events like: screensaver start, desktop lock and unlock, user login and logoff, shutdown.   
  • Log path of the Finder window.   
  • Makes periodic screen-shots   
  • Makes screenshot when user types a predefined keyword   
  • Writes screenshots, keystrokes and other logs in a HTML format.   
  • Delivers all of these logs into web service.   
  • Protects itself with a password.    Automatically cleans older log files.   
  • Runs as hidden service in the background.   
  • Optionally logs a selected user account or all Mac users.

Available for Standard and Professional accounts. Join us!

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KidLogger for Android. Best practices with v1.6


Thanks to everyone who has sent us feedback. Your tests and opinions do help us to improve KidLogger monitoring application and fix some important issues.

KidLogger's Setting

Well, sometimes relying on the perfect application functioning can leave you stuck, since there are some situations when the monitoring application stops unexpectedly or data upload fails. We have noticed that some KidLogger’s features work unstably depending on Android version and mobile device type. Through our development and testing experience we came to the conclusion that each new Android release slightly differs from the previous one (in memory and task management), thus the background application life may prove to be interruptible.

Read more about known issues and best practices of mobile phone surveillance

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User activity monitor for Android Tablet - Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9



Recently we have tested KidLogger on Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 with Android 3.1. KidLogger was successfully installed and activated. Online monitoring allows to watch on tablet user activity including visited web sites, used applications and coordinates.

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How to track video on Skype and record Skype calls with KidLogger for Windows.


We are glad to announce that KidLogger for Windows has new advanced features of tracking Skype video and calls.

KidLogger record Skype calls and video


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Tracking different user accounts in Windows


As you know, in Windows you can create multiple user accounts specifying the actions a user is allowed to perform. You can create separate accounts with different kinds of privileges for each person that will be using the computer. This allows each user to have their own document folders and settings such as the wallpaper, Start menu, visual style, and so forth. You can create and configure user accounts with the User Accounts tool in Control Panel.

 How is it connected with KidLogger monitoring application? The answer is simple, now you can choose a user account you want to monitor. At the same time, you can monitor all Windows accounts on target computer, but it requires Admin rights. The application is designed to show you which User account is logging now. Tick on the user account in the application's main window and start monitoring.  


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How to listen to recorded calls from Android phone using Windows


Advanced application KidLogger v. 1.6 for Android OS has new feature - calls recording. All these conversations are stored in Voice Records Analytics and you can easily listen to them on any MAC or Android. Windows requires two more applications to be installed in your PC. It gives you possibility to listen to the recorded calls with Windows Media Player. These applications are special Audio Codecs that synchronize 3gp files in Windows Media Player. In the future we will improve this feature, the steps below will be unnecessary.

Step by step instruction:

1. Install these two Audio Codecs (desired configuration is set by default)

2. Download 3gp files from your online account.

3. You can listen to the conversations recorded.

Download Audio Codecs:

Haali Media Splitter

FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2011-10-13


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Web site maintenance


Dear users and customers,

In order to continue KidLogger innovation process we need sometimes to test new Features on a live web site and Activity Log Data Base.

Today, during testing we faced with unexpected issue and the primary Activity Log DataBase was affected and we decided to temporary suspend its accessibility in order to keep the service alive. However during a short period the generic Data-processing engine was down.

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KidLogger - constantly improving. New release is available.


On October 31 we release KidLogger v. 5.6.11. We would like to thank our users for their feedback that helps us to improve and add new features to the application. Three major changes were introduced and some minor bugs fixed.

Here are some new features to discover:

  • Keystroke log improvements – keylogger became more accurate.   
  • Detect and record Skype calls – the experimental feature, records the voice in microphone.
  • If you use your headphones, KidLogger application will record only your voice, or that one of a person talking to the microphone. The duration of recording is 3 minutes. 
    note: KidLogger application can record Skype calls and voices near the PC or laptop .   
  • Opened files – all the files that are used in “Open as”, “Save as” root. Now you can overview them in Analytics.   
  • Minor bug fixing. 

Download here.


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KidLogger amplify analytics and activity journal filter


Hi All, thanks for your patience during last weeks after moving to a new hosting platform. Now the site is more stable and allows to process a hundreds of computers per a second easily.

Recently we updated the main Log View page and within a few weeks we will finish with a new Analytics section.

Please note in order to use new Log View page you need to clear Web Pages Chache (please search google on how to clear chache of your Browser).

New Analytics we are working on :

Web View - will show the list of the search phrases

Application view – list of most frequently used applications

Communications – contacts (chats, calls, SMS)

Files – list of most frequently opened files and folders.

Record voices view – here you can listen 3gp and mp3 media files. Talks near the computer.

See Demo...


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What’s new about


Updated 5 Aug : is currently migrating into a new more powerful platform. Sorry for inconvenience. Please come back a bit later...
Updated 9 Aug: The server migration completed successfully. Now is running on a more powerfull dedicated server. Thank you for your patience.
Updeted 21 Sep became popular with big amount of web users. We make this conclusion according to growing registration trend. Now we have around 1000 new users every month and around 100 devices uploading log files each hour. Soon will move to the new dedicated server to handle high load.

  1. New Log views, data mining and filtering
  2. Security improvements
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Here you can find tutorials, articles and announcements about KidLogger SAS: what new features we’ve implemented, how to install Kidlogger, and how to set up user monitoring for different platforms like Windows, Mac, Android.

We’re happy to hear any suggestions you might have about improving KidLogger.

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