How to Use Parental Chat Assistant

When you launch Parental Chat Assistant for the first time, the app will prompt you to connect your user account on the server.

Enter your login email address and username.


Once connected, a new virtual device will appear in your account.

After that, the application retrieves the list of chats from the server. If there are no chats for today, the app automatically creates a default chat.

If you tap the Start button, the chat will be marked as active, and you will have the option to pause or stop it.

The default chat cannot be started or paused—it remains permanently active.

By tapping the Chat Info button, you can access additional features, such as sending messages, taking photos, recording videos or audio files, and sharing your current location.

All these messages will be sent to the server and saved in your account.

There is also a View Chat Wall button, which allows you to see all messages sent today from the server side.


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