New web service
Welcome to the new web site. We are glad to inform our users and customers that we started to tranform KidLogger into a service.
The service will include the tools to monitor Kids/Workers (that works on Windows/Mac or mobile phones) and a web site where you can get the answer on: What they are doing on a cyberspace?
Nowardays cyberspace is connected to real world very tight. Computers, mobile phones and other devices could tell us many things about theyr owner. KidLogger software will collect data from these devices and deliver it to web site. Then our web site could analize this data and tell you where is your Kid right now, what he is doing, who is his friends, what about he is talking with them. This is the goal of the project.
What are the benefints under standalone KeyLogger application, those we have seen over the web :
Many Kidlogger users wants to receive log files on their Email. They want to read log files and screenshots on any place (on the job, on a travel, hotel, airport) where they could spent a few moments to lear about what the Kid is doing now in cyberspace. Many users has a few Kids to watch. So your mailbox could be fill in with many letters and screenshots. And you may spent a lot of time reading them. We would like to offer a more elegant solution that is more secure and confidential.
Your benefints:
- Free software for Windows,Mac and mobiles.
- Web-based log files viewer. You can also see screenshots
- Monitor many computers easily
- analize log files and let you know the facts.
Here you can find tutorials, articles and announcements about KidLogger SAS: what new features we’ve implemented, how to install Kidlogger, and how to set up user monitoring for different platforms like Windows, Mac, Android.
We’re happy to hear any suggestions you might have about improving KidLogger.
Compare Parental Controls in Windows 7, Mac and
“Never leave kids and employees unsupervised.”
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