KidLogger for Ubuntu 22

8 jan 2025

The new version of the KidLogger agent for Ubuntu was successfully tested on Ubuntu 22. 

But to make it work, you have to disable Wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop.

Wayland is a communication protocol that specifies the communication between a display server and its clients. By default, the Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish desktop already uses Wayland, but it’s also possible to load the Xorg display server instead.

How to disable Wayland

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Hur man förhindrar att antivirusprogram tar bort Kidlogger-agenten i Windows

19 dec 2024

Antivirusprogram spelar en vital roll i skyddet av din dator, men ibland kan de av misstag ta bort legitima applikationer, som agenten Kidlogger. Från och med den senaste uppdateringen behöver du vidta ytterligare åtgärder för att säkerställa att agenten fungerar korrekt utan störningar. Följ den här guiden för att ställa in ditt antivirusprogram korrekt och säkerställa en oavbruten drift av Kidlogger.

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Upcoming launch of new Parental Chat Assistant

16 dec 2024

Attention! Launching Soon!

SafeJKA is known for its innovative solutions in parental control.

Now, it’s time to introduce our latest development — Parental Chat Assistant, a revolutionary tool for Parents and Childrens in both perspectives: elderly and youth.

With Parental Chat Assistant, you as a family member (parent, child or grand-parent) will be able to encourage communication, capture feedback and motivate real-word curiosity via digital assistant tools: 

  • Conveniently create and assign puzzles.
  • Track progress in real time.
  • Seeding generative Q/A modeller for contextual scenarios, puzzles proposer. 
  • Watch or create photo and video reports on discussion portfolio catalog.
  • Automated chat retrospective with Family including photo, audio, location data.
  • Continuous interests discovery with AI-driven virtual care-giver assistant.
  • Real-world care-givers access.


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Starta en lokal föräldrakontrolltjänst i ditt land med KidLogger

30 nov 2024

Vill du erbjuda invånarna i ditt land en kvalitativ lösning för att skydda barn på nätet? KidLogger ger möjlighet att köpa en licensierad server med white-label funktionalitet.

Varför är detta fördelaktigt för just dig?

  • Fullständig anpassning: Anpassa gränssnittet och lägg till lokala funktioner.
  • Överensstämmelse med lagar: Placera servern inom din jurisdiktion för att följa datalagringskrav.
  • Ytterligare inkomst: Starta en unik affärsverksamhet inom föräldrakontroll.
  • Omgå blockeringar: Tjänsten är tillgänglig utan blockeringar.


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Special message for Redmi, Oppo and Poco users

31 okt 2024

Our users have long noticed that Kidlogger has stopped working on Xiaomi Redmi, Oppo and Poco phones.
This is due to the fact that on budget phones, Android MUI closes background processes to save resources.
Recently, we found a way to pin some programs in the background so that the system cannot close them.

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How to decrypt a mail report

30 sep 2024

If you have enabled encryption in your account, all important data will be encrypted. It will be encrypted immediately after the KidLogger agent records user activity and sends it to the server in encrypted form. And the data will be stored on the server in encrypted form. In case of data leakage from the server, no one will be able to see your personal data.

But when you receive reports by email from your account, all data appears encrypted. The mail server cannot decrypt them.

To decrypt the reports, use a special link in the email.

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KidLogger PRO on POCO Phones

26 sep 2024

Among our clients, there aren't many POCO phone users. This is not because these phones are bad; they're actually quite decent, even though they don't belong to the high-end category. However, these phones have some peculiarities that make installing monitoring software challenging. On one hand, some settings are located in unusual places for Android, and on the other hand, all installed apps use an adaptive power-saving scheme. This means that the Android system can disable all background apps if it deems there’s insufficient power or memory, leading to malfunctions in parental control software.

When we reach the "Ignore battery optimization" section, we see a window with four options. We must select the first one, "No restrictions."

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Accessibility changes in Android 13

25 sep 2024

You may have noticed that in Android 13 and 14, access to the Accessibility section has changed.
After installing the KidLogger PRO program, you open Settings, go to Accessibility, and see that the Android System program is inactive.
Why does this happen?

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New feature - backup copy

19 jun 2023

The backup creation was modified because the size of the uploaded data had been increased to 2 GB. Now when you create a backup copy, the server asks you to wait for a while, until it prepares the package. During the processing time, the server says Preparing for downloading, and when the package is ready it shows the link ready to download.

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Voice message and Send coordinate

18 nov 2022

We added two new buttons into the secret menu of KidLogger PRO agent for Android.

Now a child can send you a voice message, that will be sent immediately as well as his current coordinate. You can just inform your child that it is a safety tool in his phone. You don't have to make excuses anymore, and spoof why this strange System Android app exists on his phone.

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Here you can find tutorials, articles and announcements about KidLogger SAS: what new features we’ve implemented, how to install Kidlogger, and how to set up user monitoring for different platforms like Windows, Mac, Android.

We’re happy to hear any suggestions you might have about improving KidLogger.

Compare Parental Controls in Windows 7, Mac and

“Never leave kids and employees unsupervised.”

