How to change e-mail in KidLogger account
Do you want to change e-mail account on and in the same time to save your previous devices? We will tell you how to make it in a few quick steps.
It is very simple for Basic accounts; they have one device added into the KidLogger’s private room.
- Copy device ID in Notepad file and save it.
- Rename the device ID in case you need access to the recorded data or you may delete device from your kidlogger's account. The server won't allow you to create devices with the same ID, that is why you should change the ID.
- Create new account using your actual e-mail, or e-mail you want to substitute with.
- In the Dashboard click on “Add device”, a new device will appear.
- Change ID device, press pencil icon
in the Dashboard. This is “Edit” clue. Insert ID you have saved from old account. (See point 1.) Press Rename button that save the changes.
Now you do not have to configure the application once again, it will upload Log Files automatically to your new registered KidLogger account. This method is used when you have to move a device from one account into another.
Do not forget to delete the old account from the web site!
Note: Standard and Professional accounts can make it on easy terms just send a request with e-mail. Previouse e-mail address we'll substitute for new one.
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