Log facebook, yahoo mail or gmail password

29 apr 2011

Hi all,
Sometimes you ask our support - "Where can I see the facebook, yahoo mail or gmail password in the Log file?".
Please note in most cases Firefox, Chrome, Opera or any other web browser save your passwords for you in other cases web site itself remembers your login and thus performs auto-login as you come again. So nowadays  in most cases user DO NOT enter password manually by using a keyboard.

Current version of KidLogger application (Win & Mac) is able to record only the text typed by the keyboard, and in a few cases it can record the text from the application (Skype chat).And even record the passwords and login name in case you enter it manually.  Most frequent browser already saved users names and passwords and auto-fill  feature comes into action.  That’s why it doesn’t  record loging data from the login field.  

Look at the screenshot for explanation -

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Screenshot View, Day View and more Advanced logs views

26 apr 2011

Dear users, recently we have upgraded KidLogger.net account pages, including Upgrade page and Log Views. New Log Views are the part of Advanced Log Analytics: Screenshots view, Day view and Web history. All of them allows to easily get needed information from the huge log data.

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Keystroke log for Android

12 apr 2011

Now KidLogger v.1.3 for Android could log all keystrokes typed in onscreen keyboard. You can log typed URL, SMS, calendar notes within any Android application like FireFox mobile, Opera Mobile etc.

On this screen you can see the log of typed URLs and SMS text.

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KidLogger.net upgrades

5 mar 2011

Dear users, we recently upgraded the KidLogger site including new upload script and new HTML layout in the log view section. The upgrade process will continue in future.

Sincere thanks to everyone who has submitted feedback so far!

Please upgrade KidLogger application to have one more nice feature: to log incoming Skype IM messages.

Please note, during upgrade process the site can temporary stop receiving new log data. thank you for the patience.


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KidLogger for Mac OS X is ready! Free user activity monitor

30 dec 2010

Today we would like to publish first beta release of KidLogger for Mac. Free keystroke logger, user activity monitor for Mac OS X. Actually it can log many things and will log even more in future releases.

free keylogger for mac

Here are the list of features of KidLogger for Mac :

  1. Log typed keystrokes
  2. Log the names of opened Applications
  3. Log web sites URLs, opened in Safari (Firefox, Opera in future)
  4. Log clipboard text when user copy\paste text information.
  5. Log Mac events like: screensaver, desktop lock\unlock, user login\logoff, turn-off.
  6. Makes periodic desktop screen-shots
  7. Delivers all of these logs by email, dropbox, kidlogger.net services.
  8. Protect itself with a password.
  9. Periodically clean older log files.
  10. Runs as hidden service in the background.


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KidLogger v.5.5.2 with log files reporting to Gmail

29 dec 2010

KidLogger v.5.5.2 with log files reporting to Gmail.
In this release we fixed E-mail delivery issues and added support of Gmail accounts and other email services with TLS/SSL delivery support.
How to setup e-mail report:

  1. Open Options.
  2. Click on E-mail tab
  3. Select "Send log files by email"
  4. In the field "Your email" enter a string like -
    your_mail@gmail.com smtp.gmail.com:587 your_mail_password

So you just need to insert your real email and password. Please note your password will be saved in Windows registry in plain form. 587 means TLS/SSL authentication port, other web emails can use a diffirent ports.

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KidLogger v5.4 with log file upload to the web based log file viewer

2 dec 2010

We would like to announce KidLogger v.5.4. Top rated freeware keylogger. Now it allows easily monitor a few kids working on a single or multiple computers.
KidLogger rated as #4 in parental control software by CNet.com

What's new:

  1. Allows to upload log files (HTML, JPG) into KidLogger.net account. So you can anytime view your Kid activity on the PC.
  2. Imporved screenshot capture. Now screenshots are not created if user is away from 
  3. Improved multiple user support on a Windows 7.

Get it from CNET Download.com!

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KidLogger for Android

13 okt 2010

Very soon we expect to have a v.1.0 of KidLoger for Android mobiles.

Please let us know if you wish to test betta releases.

The features:

  1. - Log phone calls
  2. - Log GPS coordinates
  3. - Log active Applications
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New Kidlogger.net web service

13 okt 2010

Welcome to the new kidLogger.net web site. We are glad to inform our users and customers that we started to tranform KidLogger into a service.

The service will include the tools to monitor Kids/Workers (that works on Windows/Mac or mobile phones) and a web site where you can get the answer on: What they are doing on a cyberspace?
Nowardays cyberspace is connected to real world very tight. Computers, mobile phones and other devices could tell us many things about theyr owner. KidLogger software will collect data from these devices and deliver it to Kidlogger.net web site. Then our web site could analize this data and tell you where is your Kid right now, what he is doing, who is his friends, what about he is talking with them. This is the goal of the project.

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KidLogger 4.0 now freeware

14 jun 2010

KidLogger Freeware v.4.0 is available. All features from KidLogger PRO 4.0 is now free and open-source! KidLogger is #4 in Parental Control tools by CNet.com



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Here you can find tutorials, articles and announcements about KidLogger SAS: what new features we’ve implemented, how to install Kidlogger, and how to set up user monitoring for different platforms like Windows, Mac, Android.

We’re happy to hear any suggestions you might have about improving KidLogger.

Compare Parental Controls in Windows 7, Mac and Kidlogger.net

“Never leave kids and employees unsupervised.”

